
Monday, November 5, 2012

Politics As Usual

"Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting."  ~Franklin D. Roosevelt 

Tomorrow is the election which is an important time for this country this is also the first time I will be voting in the presidential election. Being a young voter I can now say elections are a very frustrating and annoying time to say the least, I feel it can bring out the worst in people and everyone has an opinion regardless of how much they know about it. Right now you can't turn on the TV or go on the Internet without seeing something about politics and the amount spent on campaigning is sickening, if the economy is in such bad shape it doesn't make sense to me to spend millions of dollars on the campaign, both Romney and Obama are guilty of this. Both candidates are using a combative and hostile tactic, both are spewing lies and misquotations nonstop, which frankly is maddening to me. This type of campaigning on the local level has reached extreme proportions with people like Dan Maffei, Ann-Marie Burkle and Al Stirpe, Just stop it already guys I do not freakin care! 

I understand dirty campaigning is certainly nothing new in the US but I disagree with the use of so much negativity, it doesn't exactly inspire much confidence in the elected officials for me and does not educate the voter in the least bit. 
Right now all over social media people are bitching, ranting,  and putting others down over politics they know nothing about, all this blatant hatred is very disturbing to me, to which even I, myself am guilty of strangely. Recently I broke one of my own rules and got into an argument with a former classmate of mine about the election on Facebook, this person (douche-bag) who's name I will not mention was talking some serous shit after the debate and I spouted off a colorful and angry retort in a comment, they then sent me a private message and sounding quite condescendingly told me that they had to delete my comment because of the bad language and went on to tell me why they felt the way they did politically (blah blah blah). I calmly send them a  message back defending my views and telling them why they were wrong, no one talks down to Mike Mort and besides this person was stoned out of their mind most high school and had no idea what they were talking about, but felt good to speak up for myself.

All that being said I will be voting for President Barrack Obama (sorry John Barrett) and here's why:
Obama is our president, he followed his dreams and beat the odds to get there which earns my respect. I don't believe he is doing anything to hurt our country and nothing makes someone more qualified to be the president than being president. Obama, though not perfect don't get me wrong but he's done a hell of a job despite the mess he was left with. also don't believe Mitt Romney has a legitimate plan for this country at all, he has been repeatedly inconstant with his views and that truly worries me, also Mitt's stances on many social issues were distressing to me regarding Stem Cell Research, Gay Marriage, Woman's Heath and repealing of "Obamacare". Many people say they are voting for Romney for economic reasons but I think his "plan" for recovery is just talk and I don't feel making cuts to social programs, that help people, helps the economy at all. 
I personally feel that Mitt Romney is a smug businessman that is out of touch with most Americans and electing him would be like four more years of Bush. Dear readers, that is my opinion so don't get all bent out of shape and try and change my mind please.

Please, no matter your views go out and vote tomorrow and take part in democracy it is your right and your duty as an American.

PS Michelle Obama! 

PPS My thoughts and prayers are with all those effected by Hurricane Sandy.  

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