
Monday, January 21, 2013

I Have A Dream...

Today honors a truly great man, Martin Luther King, Jr. and his legacy of the pursuit of equality and peace, his words still resonate with the struggles of today. This was a man who dreamed of change, not just by law but as a society and as a culture. 
Things have certainly improved since that August day in 1963, where a man spoke of his dream for the future. We have come so far as to elect and re-elect a black man president, say what you like about the man I cannot stop you but consider what that says for the state of racial equality in this nation. Where our society however, is still sadly lacking is the ability to except new ideas, though we have come a long way we are still terrified of and persecute those we do not fully understand. Martin Luther King, like so many others that have who have challenged the system, was taken from this world by unbridled hatred and brutal violence long before his time. 
Bob Marley once said: 
"Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery;
None but ourselves can free our minds... 
How long shall they kill our prophets,
While we stand aside and look? " 

Prejudice, judgement and hatred are still very real things today, women still don't receive equal pay, gays are denied marriage rights, people in this world are still being defined by the color of their skin, their religion or their disabilities. I personally have a dream that we can outgrow and evolve past this petty small-mindedness and become a better, more peaceful culture of people, think how far we've come in the last fifty years, imagine what could we do in the next fifty? History focuses on those with loudest voices but it is changed by those with quietest of hearts, the peaceful and the loving souls.

Try and take the time today to watch Dr. Kings eloquent and powerful speech:

Ps. Keira Knightley!

1 comment:

  1. This is the best post yet Mike - love the Bob Marley quote!
