
Monday, May 13, 2013

Not An Inspiration

Some of you may disagree with the views put forth in this post.
For years I have been protesting being seen as an inspiration, this is often mistaken for me just being humble but being put up on a pedestal like that actually makes me feel kind of shitty sometimes.  Lately I have been reading some interesting articles about how considering disabled people inspirational just because they're disabled is offensive. Referred to as Inspiration Porn; the act of objectifying disabled individuals to make non-disabled people feel better about their own lives. Mostly seen on social media, this practice is in truth somewhat degrading. One of the most viral examples of Inspiration Porn is this image:
At first glance this may seem like a great message but think about what it actually implies(disregard the fact Oscar Pistorius may have murdered his girlfriend). First of all, that line of logic is pretty ridiculous if you really think about it, and also is rather patronizing. There truly are real problems that people have to face everyday that have nothing to do with their attitude. I do however, personally value having a good attitude but it only goes so far, there are still inequalities out there such as inaccessibility, stigmas and condescending treatment.
Secondly, though it may humbling to look at someone and think: "Wow their life is so much harder that mine I should be happier!" but what does this say for how you see that person? Are you saying that they have no reason be happy? Or that you couldn't handle their lives? 
People with disabilities are not something to be in awe of, not something to compare your life to for inspiration, they are just that... people. They are and I am just living life. not for you, not for anyone.
Tolerance(who wants to be merely tolerated), inspiration are not necessarily what our society needs more of right now, it is acceptance, suspended judgment and understanding for all people, that is what is needed. You may be asking yourself at this point: doesn't Mike work for Make-A-Wish and spread images like that all the time on social media for them? No. The great part about Make-A-Wish is that they focus on the Wishes and the joy they bring not the illness itself.
I'm not saying that being inspired is wrong, it is great but it should be based on someone actually doing something impressive that has nothing to do with their problems. You should learn someone's story first, before deciding whether or not they're inspiring. 
I am so lucky to have not suffered much obvious discrimination in my life do to knowing so many great people that see me for who I am, but sometimes in public I feel pity, caution, a slight uneasiness. It takes a little work to show that I am just a regular guy doing my thing and that's all I want people to see me as.
Most people in this world wants simply to fit in and be accepted for who they are. Putting anyone in a group, no matter how seemingly positive limits progress. We have come so very far as a society but there still is so far to go, I believe that one day everyone will be equal and feel understood. 

P.S. Natalie Dormer

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate your point of view Mike~
