
Tuesday, December 31, 2013


In the 12 months or 52 weeks or 365 days or 525,948 minutes or 31,556,926 seconds that our tiny blue planet takes to orbit that medium-sized Star at the center of the solar system so much can happen. The arbitrary measure of time that one year is, can seem simple enough but living it rarely is. Life moves swiftly forward impervious to our command. We are all passengers on this cosmic ferris-wheel. We can choose to savor the view or resent this ride, but this life has one hell of a view.
As this year comes to a close I can not help but reflect upon everything that has come to pass; I have experienced love and loss, change and fear, discovery and joy. I am impossibly the same and so incredibly different. Whether I am better or worse for this time, these trials, I cannot say but I have lived it fully.
This year has shown me that losing someone changes everything, for we are all infinitely connected. Learning to live without a loved one tests the very core of your being, leaving you to feel lost at times. No matter much pain you are in, one fact always remains and it is that life goes on. None of us can escape time, and it is  indeed the only escape.
I have also faced the familiar sting of fear as my body struggled to do its job, my very breath in jeopardy. I, as we all must do at times, adapted to the flow of change. Technology allowed me to maintain my lifestyle, my freedom. The fear receded and the storm passed. The beauty of life comes from its ability to surprise us. Even when sorrow surrounds joy still exists, we just have to look a little harder. These last dozen months have had there share of good times with good friends—love endlessly abound. Old friendships years in the making and friendships newly discovered, rediscovered, make us whole. We are together in this life on this spinning little planet. Family and friends, these guardian angels without wings keep us aloft when the weight gets too much.

As the seasons change and these moments pass I grow bit by bit in my heart, my mind and my soul. In these past 365 sun rises and sets my life has changed, imagine what can happen in that many more. The year 2014 is upon us, so let us all resolve to plant the seeds of hope for better days ahead. A new year brings new challenges but also new jubilance and wonder. Buckle up folks, and enjoy the ride. 

P.S. Margot Robbie

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