
Monday, May 5, 2014

Domo Arigato, Mr. Roboto

Around 3.4 million years ago on the plains of Africa, our earliest human ancestors began consistently using stone tools, thus transcending the limitations of the bodies evolution had given us.Tools leveled the playing field and allowed us to survive, to thrive in a hostile unforgiving world. Throughout humanity's history we have relied on tools to improve our lives and make us more efficient. In the early days, spears allowed us to hunt more easily; clothing made it possible for us to live in virtually any environment; harnessing fire gave us the ability to collect more nutrients from our food and fend off predators at night. From the wheel to the airplane to the most advanced computers in the world, the invention and innovation of technology has strived to make our lives better.
Today, technology is a crucial part of our everyday existence that is often taken for granted and sometimes even feared. It is a fact that people have created things capable of causing incredible harm to others but I find it hard to believe that iPhones and the Internet are ruining our society. Some out there call for a return to simpler times but it is important to remember that simpler does not necessarily mean better. Those who romanticize the past tend to forget just how many lives have been enriched through technology. Millions of people including myself are alive and part of society thanks to all the wonderful advancements. For me personally, assistive devices are absolutely essential, such as my wheelchair which keeps me mobile and comfortable or my ventilator that helps me to remain healthy and breathing. I'm not a robot without emotions. This very blog that you are reading right now would not exist without the phone and laptop I use to write it. There are certain individuals who, without the assistance of computers and tablets, would not be able to communicate at all.
Technology can be so freeing, giving each one of us a voice. The age of the internet has given us the nearly limitless ability to share ideas. The tools are laid before us but we must decide what to use them for; ignorance or world peace. The way we connect with one another is rapidly evolving and it scares some people but then again so did the telegraph. Technology, does however require responsibility... 
Responsibility for ourselves—what we do and what we say. It is also essential that we fight for our freedoms in this time of widespread digital surveillance and corporate control. We need hold our government and companies accountable for their breaches of trust.  Do not fear the advancements themselves but instead be aware of those who seek to exploit them and in turn exploit us. Technology should bring freedom not more oppression. 

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