
Monday, March 16, 2015

Whatever Will Be, Will Be

The future is infinitely unpredictable; this both terrifying and comforting fact, is something each person must face. This humbling realization can leave some with the inescapable fear that everything they know and love could crumble at any moment. For others though, this uncertain nature of life brings a deep hope that something wonderful could be waiting just around the corner. To me, the realm of the unexpected can be rather overwhelming at times, but it is truly where the magic happens.

When I think back on all of the beautiful moments I have experienced and all the wonderful people I have met, one thing becomes abundantly clear; life is shaped by happy accidents. Last week certainly exemplifies this idea for me, when I went into work last Wednesday I had no idea I would end up being interviewed for television. It began like any other Wednesday: I woke up, got ready for the day and got on the Call-A-Bus headed for the Make-A-Wish Central New York offices in East Syracuse. When I arrived, a small film crew from WCNY was setting up to interview Diane Kuppermann, Make-A-Wish CNY’s President and CEO.

I honestly did not think much about it, I set up my laptop and got to work, business as usual. After a little while, Dyana who is the PR/Communications Director approached me and asked if I would be willing to give a statement. In the midst of Diane's interview, she had apparently mentioned me and the work I do for the organization, subsequently the crew wanted to hear from me. An excited grin washed over my face as I confidently agreed to do what I like to do best, talk. 

Despite having only mere minutes to prepare, my interview went extremely smoothly with very few pauses or stumbles. Not only did I get to recall my experiences with Make-A-Wish but I also discussed my philosophies on life and on living with a physical impairment. As I spoke it truly came from a place of passion, it felt terrific to be able to share my perspective. By the end, I got the distinct impression that everyone had been truly moved by what I had to say, it was an amazing experience. My segment will appear on WCNY's Cycle of Health at a date to be announced soon.

Every day presents a new, wonderful chance for something random and potentially life-changing to happen. Being receptive to these opportunities many be challenging sometimes, but it can certainly pay off. Much like my painstaking aversion television and film spoilers, I value the surprises life has to offer. Never entirely knowing what the future may hold, still obviously opens up the possibility for terrible things to happen but this cosmic roulette table requires you to have a stake in the game—something to lose. It is up to us to each of to learn how to cope with these risks of existence, to make peace with the bet that is on the table. 

1 comment:

  1. I think this is my favorite of your posts so far! I love the the phrase "cosmic roulette table" and can't wait to see your interview! :)
