
Monday, September 17, 2012

People Are Strange

Over the years I've had a myriad of people say some pretty weird shit to me and my family in public. I've always had fears and insecurities surrounding people talking down to me because of my appearance, I feel that I have to constantly challenge the perception that just because I'm physically disabled that I'm mentally disabled as well, I can be pretty paranoid about this sometimes. Don't get me wrong though I have nothing against people are mentally handicapped and besides I believe that no one should be talked down to, that's where there's unfortunately still a stigma regarding mental illness in our society.

Here's a few examples of things that have been said:

This year at the fair, a woman and her two children came up to my mom and proceeded to inform her that my brother and I would enjoy the going to the circus! She, of course says this in front of us like we aren't even there and then goes on to say that she is expecting a "miracle" today and maybe it would be my brother and I getting up from our wheelchairs and walking (I shit you not!).

Like I mentioned in my first post Andy(my brother) and I have been asked countless times if we are twins, there is sometimes a look of disbelieve that crosses their faces when we tell them otherwise as if we are lying. I almost want to just say yes to see what the reaction is.

A great one was after the airline that I will not mention (Delta), brutally damaged my wheelchair they had the audacity to say that people with chairs like ours should not fly!

"Would you like a sticker?"

At the mall a weird guy came up to me just to say; "Jesus loves you". I respect people's beliefs and all but don't say weird shit to me.

"Would you like a balloon?"

"Do you guys race?" often heard when my brother and I are driving next to each other any where. Disclaimer: even some of my readers and people I like have said this one, so no hard feelings and FYI we have and I won ("if you're not first, your last" -Reese Bobby)

Another story from the State Fair, several years ago a rather large drunk woman fell on my wheelchair's joystick breaking it instantly then decided to start yelling at my mom saying that she should keep better control of her child WTF?!

A case could be made that people  are stupid, that's for you to decide, I try to take it with a grain of salt and laugh about it later. People can be pretty terrible but also capable of great kindness  and compassion and after all the only thing we leave in this life is the impact that we've made on others. 

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