
Monday, October 1, 2012

A Toy Story

Recently I started the difficult task of getting rid of my childhood toys, they are starting to crowd my house and I've put it off way long. 
I've always had huge love of playing with toys and to be honest I've never outgrown it and frankly never will. Toys have always been so much more than just metal or rubber or wood or plastic to me, it's about the imagination and creating new worlds in your mind and being things you never could in real life. I probably played with toys a little longer than "age appropriate" but who's to say, they helped me some hard shit in my life, surrounding myself with Legos, G.I.Joes,  Star Wars action figures, Micro Machines(yeah 90's)!, Lincoln Logs, Etc., allowed me to escape from and deal with the troubles in my life. 
And yes I was one of those people who cried like a baby during Toy Story 3, that last scene just gives me chills just thinking about it(damn you Pixar) it was a very emotional film for me, and because of that I can only give my stuff away to kids that would enjoy it as much as I did!
I feel the world would be a better place if more people just sat down and played, Instead of starting a war just play G.I.Joes, instead of building a bomb build some Legos, instead of doing crack reenact Return of the Jedi in extreme detail, free yourself from the pressures of society and be a kid once in a while. 


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