I may just be a nerd or have way too much time on my hands but the concept of life on other worlds has always intrigued as far back as I can remember, it's not a matter of if but where, it's totally selfish and absurd to think life only exists on planet earth. Take a moment to think about this, it may seem somewhat irrelevant but it boggles the mind just the sheer size of our universe.
A study from Yale estimates that there are 300 Sextillion(300,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) stars in the universe many of which are like our sun, it is absolutely inconceivable that the earth is the only planet with intelligent life on it. It fascinates me thinking about what aliens could look like, their culture, their technology, their knowledge and their outlook on life. I would want to know if they believed in a god, if they fear death, if they believed in love, if they fought wars or if they had music. Would their technology be so advanced that they could travel billions of light years like nothing, have unlimited energy with no waste, solved hunger and disease and stopped mortality all together? Human existence may seem only an ant's or a germ's to an alien race, would they think us fools or a threat to ourselves or them? There would be no guarantee that extraterrestrials would even be carbon based, they could be made of pure energy or not even completely exist in our dimension. Even life on earth continues to defy logic, creatures living in complete darkness, crushing pressure and toxic volcanic plumes at the bottom of the ocean, just as Dr. Malcolm said in Jurassic Park: "Life, uh... will find a way."
Contact with intelligent live is an extremely risky undertaking if it were to happen, as Stephen Hawking remarked:
"If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn't turn out well for the Native Americans," he said. "We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet."
Being a huge science fiction geek this is a subject I've thought about a lot and I hope it doesn't turn out like this:
PPs. Next week I will be featuring a guest blogger and my friend, the lovely Jesse Pardee!
ReplyDeleteI mean yeah, there has to be some life out there but the thought is terrifying ;~;