We are not just billions of lives occurring separately with no effect each other, we are an interconnected global community.
Human society unfortunately, is quite good at dividing and devaluing people—making someone an outsider. It is natural to group together but learned to push away. To better understand compassion for others it is important to look to oneself and be conscious of the remarkable feat that is life.

Our bodies are made up of billions of cells all working together for the sole purpose of keeping us alive. Every thought, every movement, every interaction requires an astounding amount of coordination carried out entirely by electrical impulses. Each one of our minds are universes unto themselves, capable of incredible things. When we meet another person we are looking into the eyes of another amazing, feeling, thinking being.
Not only can we witness others lives but we can impact them, we have power to make someone else's existence better. A smile, a kind word or a moment of understanding can be all it takes to make a difference. If you can do more for others, do more. If you can love more, love more. Do all we can a for as long as we can. We all get this one life, this single one of a kind chance to exist, let's make the best of it.
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