Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Good to great

As low as last Friday was Saturday, was the complete opposite, thats how life is sometimes it can be bad one day and amazing the next!

Saturday was the annual Wish ball, Make-A-Wish's premiere black-tie fundraiser. I've attended this event several times, I've spoken at it a few times and even co-emceed it with my father. I've always had good time at the ball, I met my good friend and inspiration for doing my blog, Jesse Pardee who delivered an amazing singing performance (Check out her blog:!

Something was different this year though, more of my family friends had decided to come this year but still thought nothing of it and went on oblivious. But it was a surprise though that after we arrived, my assistant from High school and close family friend, Brian showed up unexpectedly but the night went on as usual.

Every year at the Wish ball an outstanding volunteer is honor with the Cindy Award.

And the winner is... What do know... to my surprise... yours truly!!

Check out the Video here:

I was absolutely shocked, It was amazing and in my mind it validated all the work I've been doing for MAW and the direction of my life.
Life, by it's very nature is a terrible beautiful masterpiece that we are all doomed to endure for naught and for a vital purpose infinitely...

Ps. I will be back to my regular scheduled posts on Monday folks!
Until then Emma Stone!

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