Monday, October 20, 2014

A Life Worth Living

Our lives unfold swiftly as time falls away, moments pass while todays turn to yesterdays. In this constantly shifting existence we must often wrestle with the conflict between expectation and reality. The contrast between how we want things to turn out and how they actually do can have a major impact on our happiness.
This crisis of expectation can many times leave us feeling disappointed and more than a little lost. No one expects for their mashed potatoes to come out cold at a restaurant; no one expects to be diagnosed with cancer; no one expects to need to use a wheelchair; these things still happen despite our best laid plans. I believe attitude is very important when it comes to coping with and navigating this ever-changing daily reality. 

Planning for the future has it's merits but when life alters your course, being able to adjust your perspective is absolutely crucial. A direction does not necessarily guarantee happiness and going with the flow can save quite a lot of heartbreak. So many people set there sights on one possible outcome, totally unable to imagine a different path and completely terrified to fail. We are conditioned by society to decide the rest of our lives on a strict timeline before we even fully know ourselves. Much of our days are spent thinking about what could be instead of what already is. 

Allowing ourselves to be present in the moment frees us from the burden of expectation. The truth is there is no way to ever fully anticipate what life will throw at us, however the best things sometimes take us completely by surprise. People often gauge whether their lives worth living by what is supposed to happen, I truly think what makes a life worth living are those beautiful things we cannot see coming. We do not know when someone who will make our life infinitely better will cross our path. We rarely get to choose the moments that take our breath away. The idea that anything could happen is absolutely terrifying yet amazingly hopeful at the same time. In the realm of the unknown lies possibility. 

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