Monday, March 25, 2013

The Long And Winding Road

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference." -Robert Frost "The Road Less Traveled"

Life is unpredictable that is a fact, it is the most heartbreaking yet beautiful aspect of living. If you could see your future would you? Should you? Most lay their future out like a road map, planing out where they will go, what they will see and how they will get there, not realizing that we all live in the detour and that the nameless hidden road, we would have never imagined going down, makes all the difference. Not knowing whats around the next bend can fill your heart with fear if you let it or you can see it as an opportunity to be surprised and filled with wonder. A plan for life is important but if you spend all your time with a map in front of your face you can miss what's happening in the world at that moment, even GPS gets it wrong sometimes, you need to blaze your own path in the right now.

The journey of life unfolds in so many unique and different roads, sometimes it's a highway going smooth and fast, others can be a bumpy winding back street, it can even be an unpaved road that you create yourself. The conditions of the street of existence varies by the moment, there are times when the sun is shining and the day is great, there are other times that that there is blinding snow in the dead of night and feels like it will never clear, keep going though because it can always improve. An important thing to realize that whatever avenue you take you can change, no matter how long you've been on a path you can always find a alternate route, a new way forward. Love the journey, for it makes us who we are. Love the time on the road and on this planet.

P.S. Allison Williams