Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day

I had another post written, which I will post next Monday, but I realized that I wanted to share a short message about Memorial Day.
This day commemorates all the men and women that have made the ultimate sacrifice in service to our country. I feel it is extremely important to remember all those lost so they did not perish for naught. These fathers, mothers, sons, brothers, sisters and daughters who died are all heroes. These brave fallen are somber reminders of just how high the cost of all we take for granted truly is. The few people I know that have served have shown me that we can never fully understand what they endured but it is absolutely critical that we support them. War is hell and we must not forget that, We should today, especially, realize how serious war really is. I dream that one day the world will be safe and that those who mean to do harm can lay down there arms and peace can rein. Today, on Memorial Day take some time to think about how lucky we all are for everything we have, think about all the great people that were lost gaining and keeping freedom.

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