I believe that our senses are limited but what we can think is truly infinite. Creative abstract thought allows us to transcend our physical surroundings and expand our minds. I am quite fortunate to have been strongly encouraged to pretend from a very young age. My parents and my grandparents both allowed me to explore my imagination, often times playing right along with me. I always had plenty of toys that engaged my mind but some of the most fun I ever had was with boxes, chair forts and empty paper-towel rolls. My parents always challenged me to play creatively. Most Saturdays when I was younger were spent with mom's parents. My grandpa and I took pretending to a whole new level; when we played down cellar, no idea was too absurd. The basement could be transformed into a restaurant, a school, a courtroom or a campground depending on our mood.
Many of the greatest minds history has ever know, were those who could think outside the box. To quote Albert Einstein,"Logic will get you from A to Z; imagination will get you everywhere." From theoretical physics to social change, imagination has opened the door. One-hundred years ago, going to outer-space was something that only existed in the realm of science fiction.
In my life, imagination carries through into everything I do and defines who I am as a person. When your mind is free to wander, life becomes so much more grand. Sometimes a good daydream is all it takes to get through a hard day. As we grow up we must never stop pretending—imagination is truly our salvation.
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