Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Pure Imagination

Once upon a time there was a young boy who imagined an entire world all in his own backyard. In this land of wonder every day was an amazing adventure, each moment an unfolding story. This child set free by his mind was me. For as long as I can remember imagination has played a role major my life. One of the first memories I have is spending time outdoors pretending at my family's first home in North Syracuse. I vividly recall a grouping of two or three large pine trees that I affectionately nicknamed the Sherwood Forest after Robin Hood's legendary outlaw hid-a-way. To a small child a few trees can certainly be towering woods filled with mystery—it is all a matter of perspective. 
I believe that our senses are limited but what we can think is truly infinite. Creative abstract thought allows us to transcend our physical surroundings and expand our minds. I am quite fortunate to have been strongly encouraged to pretend from a very young age. My parents and my grandparents both allowed me to explore my imagination, often times playing right along with me. I always had plenty of toys that engaged my mind but some of the most fun I ever had was with boxes, chair forts and empty paper-towel rolls. My parents always challenged me to play creatively. Most Saturdays when I was younger were spent with mom's parents. My grandpa and I took pretending to a whole new level; when we played down cellar, no idea was too absurd. The basement could be transformed into a restaurant, a school, a courtroom or a campground depending on our mood. 

These elaborate fantasies ranged from stage shows to award banquets with stuffed animals (Bugs Bunny's bribery investigation is still pending), all very real to us. Even to this day my grandfather and I fondly reminisce about these times, I think in many ways it allowed him to be a kid again. As we grow older we never really lose this beautiful ability to pretend, we just learn to hide it. In my opinion, the world be a much better place if we all used our imagination's a little more often. In a world that tells us to focus solely on reality, it is up to us break the mold. 

Many of the greatest minds history has ever know, were those who could think outside the box. To quote Albert Einstein,"Logic will get you from A to Z; imagination will get you everywhere." From theoretical physics to social change, imagination has opened the door. One-hundred years ago, going to outer-space was something that only existed in the realm of science fiction.

In my life, imagination carries through into everything I do and defines who I am as a person. When your mind is free to wander, life becomes so much more grand. Sometimes a good daydream is all it takes to get through a hard day. As we grow up we must never stop pretending—imagination is truly our salvation.

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