Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

This post is dedicated to Mike Conese, who has more Christmas spirit than anyone I know. 

We have reached that time again where the holidays are in full swing and where the best way to spread Christmas Cheer, is singing loud for all to hear. It's a season of lights, mistletoe and magic that comes only once a year. For me the most important part of this merry celebration is the people I spend it with, they are truly the greatest gift. Gathering with friends and family makes this time of year brighter than the biggest of Christmas trees ever could. For anyone who knows my family, they would not be surprised to find that we in fact begin the most wonderful season of all with a party for hosting. 

On the first weekend of December each year, we host the famous Mort family Christmas open house—a masterfully orchestrated holiday extravaganza. Although it is a major undertaking(my mom fully decorated the entire house in just one week), opening up our home to our friends and family is simply something we enjoy doing. From the time of the party till the end of the year we try to spend time with all the people who are important to us. Being surrounded by some of our favorite people seems to put everything into perspective. This time of year especially, reminds us just how much others impact our lives and how much we impact others.

One of the greatest holiday films of all time, It's A Wonderful Life deals with the very subject, if you have never seen this classic I strongly recommend  giving it a watch. In the movie, George Bailey played by James Stewart catches a glimpse of what life would be like if he had never been born. The harsh world in his absence reveals just how important his existence is to everyone around him. The message of the film reflects the idea that we all do indeed make a difference. 

Each person we meet we influence in some form of another and vice versa. I believe the love we put forth into the world alters I the landscape like a freshly fallen snow, softly blanketing all it touches. Every unique snowflake, each act of kindness adds to the greater sum—a better life for all. So as the song says: Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. 

I am so grateful for my parents who have given me so much love, who have always made sure I was warm, safe and well fed. I am thankful for my brothers who always have my back. I am so happy for all the amazing friends, family and acquaintances that have changed my life for the better. I am so lucky for all the people that would, if I said the word would throw a lasso around the moon and pull in down for me. No matter who you are, where you are from or what you celebrate, I wish you all the very best this holiday season! 

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