Monday, December 1, 2014

Worth Fighting For

"Silence like a cancer grows. Hear my words that I might teach you." 
-Simon & Garfukel 

In this world of chaos and heartbreak it often times difficult to speak up for what you believe in, to fight for what is right. I have found my passion and skill in this life is for words, what I say and what I write is my power. When I decide to lift my words to support something it is with my entire being. I may speak for a great many causes but they are all important to me. I realize I can be somewhat aggressive with my views from time to time (i.e my Facebook arguments) but it flows from a deep hope I possess. I truly believe each of us can make a difference, whether by action or simple understanding we can make the world a better place.
It's easy to look at many of the issues occurring globally or in our nation and say it's not my problem but apathy is the true enemy of progress. Opening our eyes can be challenging, even painful however it is always the first step toward brighter days. From feminism to disabled rights, racial equality to the environment, I always try my best to stay informed with the latest developments. I understand that not everyone has the time or energy to pursue everything that I do. 

I will admit though, my many activist ideals can occasionally get the better of me. It is not always simple to strike the balance between well-versed and obsessive. I find it challenging at times to not become completely consumed by the things I believe. I also find it a little difficult to maintain a level head when others disagree with how I feel, I am admittedly intense. I am continuing to learn how to calmly agree to disagree. 

Despite being a rather strong willed person, I still often find myself conflicted on particularly divisive subjects. Finding the line between idealism and realism takes a lot of skill. In a discussion I will strongly attempt to sway your viewpoint but at the same time consider opposing ideas. My mind can sometimes resemble a pinball machine—thoughts bouncing back and forth. 

I find it very important to be as thoughtful as possible when contemplating the issues. No matter what side I may take, I try to see everything through the lens of human decency for all people. My methods are not always perfect but at my core my intent to offer new insights and perspectives. For some I can come off as far too sensitive, political and opinionated but I genuinely want to make a positive impact with the voice I have. 

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